About Copy Mad Ad
Hi, I'm Adam - a strategic, persuasive, copywriter for hire.
But of course, you may want to know a bit more than that before you jump aboard the CopyMadAd express!
Creating an "about" page had me thinking about what parts of our backgrounds had the greatest impact on what we end up gravitating towards in our present...
In "official" terms, paper-based 'qualifications' are naturally a key factor in persuading others of skill levels in particular areas.
For the record, my degree was in "Human & Computer Sciences" back in the 90's - a blend of studying human psychology and applying that to how people best work with computers and other devices in an increasingly digital world...
So, learning about programming computers, and also learning about how people 'get programmed'. That helped immensely in my understanding of both modern-day product/software design and the copywriting that's needed to help sell those products and ideas to others.
However...it's often the experiences outside of education (and natural inclinations) that help shape us more, I think. I was always mesmerised as a kid by how words could be mashed together in infinite ways to communicate. And equally transfixed from a young age by how we 'tick'.
But the main preoccupation of a younger Copy Mad Ad was not only the arrangement of words themselves, but how those words get delivered via that lip-surrounded hole on our face.
Always loved mimicking the voice patterns of others, which is why I spent some time writing and performing voice-overs and comedy. That's something I still keep as a side project.
But ultimately it's the ability to persuasively write and produce profitable content around the strategic requirements of powering a business, that motivates me to offer my versatile set of skills to people like yourself.
So here I stand, at the dawn of another year. Persuasive pen and strategic mind on standby: ready to got to work for the success of your business endeavours.